In a time where everyone owns a smartphone and has internet access, sexting with minors has become a hot-button issue. Anyone can create an online profile and cultivate a fake identity. Some have found a way to bait and lure unknowing users into an extortion scam that culminates in criminal charges (or threatened charges).

Many of our clients who face sexting charges explain that they met someone online who had initially lied about being an adult and then willingly exchanged nude images, only to reveal that he or she is a minor. This type of scenario is a classic breeding ground for sexting charges. Often, there are follow-up messages from a person claiming to be the minor’s father, threatening to expose you for sexting with a minor, and asking for money in exchange for your protection. As fearful as you may be, it is possible that you have fallen prey to an extortion-related scam.

Facing threatening accusations of extortion for sexting? Before you fork over hundreds or thousands of dollars, speak with one of our attorneys. Call us toll-free at 919-838-6643 for a free consultation.

Why Choose Us?

Marcilliat & Mills PLLC is a North Carolina-based criminal defense firm with several locations around the state, including offices in Raleigh and in Charlotte. We are committed to fighting for your rights and preserving your record.

Our team consists of experienced and qualified attorneys who know how to handle a range of high-stakes sex crime charges. Our firm’s led by Kevin Marcilliat, has been defending people in North Carolina since law school. This means you can expect that your case will be backed by legal knowledge that comes from one of the top law schools in the nation.

We Know How To Defend You

If you are facing criminal charges for sexting, you can rely on Marcilliat & Mills PLLC to fight for your rights. We will evaluate your communication with your accuser to gather evidence in your favor, and we will help you fend off any unwarranted accusations.

Get Legal Help We’re On Your Side

When it comes to sexting and online messaging, the lines can be blurry. Let one of our skilled attorneys help you navigate this tricky area. Schedule a free consultation with us today through email or by calling us toll-free at 919-838-6643.