Woman on the Run for 16 Years After North Carolina Probation Violation

By KevinMarcilliat, In Criminal Defense, 0 Comments

Georgia U.S. marshals captured a woman who had been a fugitive for 16 years after North Carolina probation violations. The woman was allegedly in hiding with her fugitive husband who escaped from a prison in February 1995, just a month before she violated her probation.

The woman was found after she contacted local law enforcement authorities to report that her husband had died from complications of emphysema. When medical and emergency services arrived, they were unable to resuscitate him, but they did trace his fingerprints to learn that he was the man who had escaped from a South Carolina prison.

The U.S. marshals then began their search for his wife and located her at a local Georgia waffle house. She is awaiting extradition to Greensboro, North Carolina.

North Carolina law enforcement aggressively seek to capture any offenders who have escaped from prison or fled to avoid probation. The life of a fugitive on the run may sound appealing for someone convicted of a crime, but hiring a skilled lawyer who can fight for your rights is a much better choice. Not only will you avoid the anxiety of being on the run, your criminal defense lawyer can attempt to seek a reduction in the charges or try to get the charges dismissed if the evidence warrants it.

Source: 11 Alive “Woman on the run for 16 years arrested at Georgia Waffle House,” 11/21/2011